
  • How is a race measurement being planned by ChampionChip/MYLaps?
  • How is a ChampionChip/MYLaps chip worn?
  • Do – Don’t List

    - The Chips might be effected from high magnetic shocks. Please keep the chips out of the locations that are close to some high magnetic field imposing home devices such as microvawes.

    - Please take your chips out of your shoes before washing them. If the chips are released from the shoe ties inside the washing machine it can severely damage the device as it can cling on some mechanical parts.

    - If you cannot finish the race, please hand over your chips to the officials.

    - Please try to keep the necessary positions for chip detection during the races when passing over the points that has been supplied with the systems. Otherwise, the chips will not be detected as you might be disqualified for the races.

    - Please do not put the chips inside your shoes or socks. Use the strap bands or get it along your shoe ties.

  • Can the ChampionChip/MYLaps chips be used with other electronic devices?